Can’t sleep? An Innovative Natural Solution to Canada’s Sleep Epidemic

In a society grappling with the epidemic of sleep deprivation, the situation in Canada serves as a stark reminder of the widespread impact this issue has on health, productivity, and overall quality of life.

Stress and sleep

Dr. Owen Wiseman, ND

01 April 2024

The news cycle and various organizations reveal some alarming statistics – half the population struggling with initiating or maintaining sleep, a third battling daytime drowsiness, and 40% dealing with regular insomnia – the need for innovative solutions has never been more pressing.1,2

Understanding the Root Causes

To address the issue effectively, it’s important to understand the multifaceted causes of sleep deprivation. Factors range from lifestyle choices and stress to medical conditions and environmental influences. In today’s fast-paced, always-on culture, many Canadians find themselves sacrificing sleep to meet the demands of work, family, education, and social obligations.3 Additionally, the pervasive use of screens and tech before bedtime has been shown the interfere with the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, exacerbating sleep troubles.4,5

Stress and worry, often stemming from personal or professional pressures, also play a significant role in sleep disorders. These emotional states can create a vicious cycle of sleeplessness, where the fear of not sleeping contributes to heightened stress levels, making sleep even more elusive.6

A GoodNight! Is Around the Corner

Amidst this backdrop of a sleep-demic, the introduction of A.Vogel GoodNight! emerges as a beacon of hope. This product is intentionally formulated with a blend of natural ingredients, including L-tryptophan, wild lettuce, magnesium, and lemon balm, each chosen for its proven benefits in enhancing sleep quality.

L-tryptophan is crucial for the production of both melatonin and serotonin, while wild lettuce offers sedative properties that promote relaxation.

Magnesium plays a pivotal role in relaxing the muscles and alleviating stress, and lemon balm is celebrated for its effectiveness in calming the mind.

Deep Dive into the Ingredients

Wild lettuce (Lactuca sativa)

Our ancient herb is made new again! Compounds in wild lettuce can produce a mild sedative effect that helps to promote better sleep. Its ability to manage stress and improve sleep stems from lactucopicrin and lactucin, found in the sap of the plant.


This essential amino acid plays a pivotal role in the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that can be converted into melatonin, crucial for regulating the sleep cycle.7 Studies have shown that L-tryptophan supplementation can improve sleep quality and reduce the time it takes to fall asleep. It’s particularly beneficial for those with moderate insomnia or those looking to enhance the quality of their sleep. By boosting serotonin levels, L-tryptophan also impacts mood, helping you wake feeling refreshed and alert.8


From muscle and nerve function to blood sugar and blood pressure, magnesium plays a crucial role in numerous bodily functions. It can act by supporting the nervous system, helping to quiet the body and mind to make it easier to fall asleep.9,10 Studies suggest that magnesium supplementation can increase sleep time or efficiency.11 This is likely due to a link between low magnesium and the consequence of reduced melatonin production.12

Lemon balm

This member of the mint family has traditionally been used to improve mood and counter rumination. Through its influence on a compound known as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), it helps promote relaxation.13 It goes without saying that a more relaxed mind makes for a deeper sleep, while a deeper sleep makes for a more relaxed mind during the day.

The Implications

The epidemic of sleep deprivation in Canada is complicated and has far-reaching implications for public health and societal well-being. Through addressing the root causes and embracing innovative solutions like GoodNight!, there’s hope for reversing the tide of sleep deprivation.


  1. Wang, Chinchin, et al. "Sleep behaviours among Canadian adults: Findings from the 2020 Canadian Community Health Survey healthy living rapid response module." Health reports3 (2022): 3-14.
  2. Carney, Colleen E. "ROUNDS."
  3. Fiocco, Alexandra J. "Stress across the Lifespan: From Risk to Management—Conference Report on the Inaugural Canadian Stress Research Summit." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2022): 11015.
  4. Hartley, Sarah, et al. "Do both timing and duration of screen use affect sleep patterns in adolescents?." Plos one10 (2022): e0276226.
  5. Rafique, Nazish, et al. "Effects of mobile use on subjective sleep quality." Nature and science of sleep (2020): 357-364.
  6. Basta, Maria, et al. "Chronic insomnia and the stress system." Sleep medicine clinics2 (2007): 279-291.
  7. Hajak, G., et al. "The influence of intravenous L-tryptophan on plasma melatonin and sleep in men." Pharmacopsychiatry01 (1991): 17-20.
  8. Jenkins, Trisha A., et al. "Influence of tryptophan and serotonin on mood and cognition with a possible role of the gut-brain axis." Nutrients1 (2016): 56.
  9. Schwalfenberg, Gerry K., and Stephen J. Genuis. "The importance of magnesium in clinical healthcare." Scientifica2017 (2017).
  10. Al Alawi, Abdullah M., Sandawana William Majoni, and Henrik Falhammar. "Magnesium and human health: perspectives and research directions." International journal of endocrinology2018 (2018).
  11. Arab, Arman, et al. "The role of magnesium in sleep health: a systematic review of available literature." Biological trace element research1 (2023): 121-128.
  12. Abbasi, Behnood, et al. "The effect of magnesium supplementation on primary insomnia in elderly: A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial." Journal of research in medical sciences: the official journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences12 (2012): 1161.
  13. Safari, Mostafa, et al. "The effects of melissa officinalis on depression and anxiety in type 2 diabetes patients with depression: a randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled clinical trial." BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies1 (2023): 140.

A.Vogel Goodnight - Natural Sleep Aid Supplement

A.Vogel Goodnight is a natural non-habit forming remedy, used as a natural sleep aid. Scientifically formulated to support every stage of sleep: calms the mind to induce sleep; enhances sleep quality to leave you feeling rested without grogginess. Supports your full sleep cycle: fall asleep easily, increase sleep duration and wake-up refreshed.

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